Here are 33 travel tips I compiled during my RTW trip. Hope something in here helps you.
1. Consider the weather. I started my trip in February in India and moved south to north. In March, I was in the Middle East. In April, May and June, I was in Europe. I felt like I got the best weather everywhere I went. Consider if I’d done the trip backwards. Europe can be cold and rainy in February, and India is extremely hot in May and June.
2. Buy travel insurance. Companies like Travel Guard (http://www.travelguard.com/) offer modestly priced, customized insurance options that can be comprehensive, if you so desire (mine covered medical care, medical evacuation, flight change, lost and stolen luggage, etc.).
3. As lightly as possibly. Most anything you forget or feel like you need more of can be purchased overseas for less than you’d pay at home. (I limited myself to a 50 liter backpack and wish I’d gone smaller.)
4. A student ID (ISAC). Many tourist attractions offer student discounts.
5. Something small and inexpensive from your country to give to new friends. This could include postcards from your hometown or some of your country coins. One of the girls I traveled with in India brought along balloons for kids and they were a hit.
6. Earplugs. There are a lot of snorers at the hostels.
7. A Teva-like sandal. The Teva has all the advantages of a flip-flop sandal (ample ventilation, not sweat-inducing) yet it can be comfortably worn while walking miles through a city.
8. A day pack. Take the day pack with you when you’re exploring a city and leave the backpack locked up at your hostel. Buy a day pack that can be secured with a lock.
9. Tell your bank exactly which countries you will be traveling to. That way, when your credit card is swiped at an ATM in Istanbul or Sarajevo, the bank will not shut off your card or assume it was stolen.
10. Make sure you know your credit card pin number. I knew my debit card had a pin number, but not my credit card. If you use your credit card to withdraw money from an ATM, the machine will ask you for the pin number.
11. Look for places without any tourists inside (you’ll probably need to walk outside the main tourist strip for this). If the menu is only written in a foreign language, that’s another good sign. If everyone inside is a local, the food is likely to be cheaper (and in my opinion, better.)
12. Buy your food at the grocery store or a local farmers market. This is probably the cheapest option and most hostels have a kitchen where you can prepare your own meals.
13. Avoid gas stations, vending machines, airport/train food, and tourist hotspots. You’ll be paying up the butt for stuff that probably isn’t even that great.
14. Don’t underestimate non-verbal communication. Even without being able to speak the local language in many cities, I’ve gotten along surprisingly well with hand gestures, pointing at maps, exaggerated facial expressions, and drawing pictures. Be creative.
15. Talk in the local language when you can. I don’t speak Spanish, but when I was in Spain I made an effort to say “gracias” instead of “thank you” and “buenos dias” instead of “good morning.” I noticed that the locals respected me more when I made an attempt to use their language, even when I only knew ten words of it.
16. In places where bartering is acceptable, try to take 1/2 the price the shopkeeper initially gives you and start negotiations there. Don’t be afraid to go lower (remember that the shopkeeper knows what the item is worth and is not going to sell you something unless they can make a profit).
17. If the shopkeeper is being stingy, simply tell them the item is too expensive and start to walk away. It’s amazing how quickly they will cut 20 to 30 percent off the price when they realize you are leaving their store.
18. Never keep a promise you can’t keep (e.g., I’m not going to buy today but I promise you I will come back and buy tomorrow). You wouldn’t want someone to do it to you, so don’t do it to others.
19. Always agree on a price before you get into a taxi. Once you step inside that taxi, the price is set. There is no asking for a lower fare mid-ride.
20. Carry the business card of your hostel with you. The taxi driver might not understand English, but most of them can read and understand a name and address.
21. When you walk outside an airport, bus, or train terminal, do not take the nearest taxi. Sometimes taxis pay an entrance fee to nab that lucrative spot directly outside the exit, and they are going to try to charge a higher fee. Walk a ways down the line before you approach a taxi driver for a price quote.
22. Walk whenever you can. You’ll see more of the city (the biggest gems are often beyond the tourist strip), get exercise, and save cash.
23. The metro, tram, trolley, and bus lines are almost always cheaper than a taxi. Some cities offer a 5-day or 10-day pass (or some other extended day pass) that can save you money if you are going to be in that city for several days.
24. Take overnight transportation, if possible. You’ll save money on a hostel, see the countryside, and gain more sightseeing time at your follow-on destination. Consider bringing a blow-up neck pillow to help you sleep better.
25. Journal every day. It’s amazing the details I’ve already forgotten from my travels that I remember again every time I reread my journal.
26. Get lost sometimes (during the day). I learned so much more about the people, the culture, and the country just by walking around for hours in areas I was not familiar with. Sticking strictly to the tourist attractions is overrated.
27. Read literature that is native to the country you are visiting. There is something about doing this that makes the experience of travel more profound.
28. Back up your photos at websites like Photobucket.
29. See if the city has a Free Tour. Many of the cities I’ve been to have one. You pay no money upfront and, at the end, you decide how much to tip the guide.
31. Be a smart drinker. I can’t stress this enough. Bad things happen to intoxicated females (and males). If I did decide to drink, I often did so at lunch or an early dinner when it was still light outside. If I wanted to drink at night I drank at an establishment that was within spitting distance of my hostel or I drank at the hostel (most hostels had a terrace, some even had a bar).
32. Look both ways (twice) before you cross any street. It sounds so obvious but I had several close encounters with motor vehicles (reckless and/or preoccupied drivers abound and traffic rules differ from country to country).
33. Be conscious of pointing the undersides of your feet at people, giving the thumbs up sign, etc. In parts of the world, these and other gestures can be considered offensive and/or provocative.
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