One day, when I was 15, I decided to join the Army. Like so many of life’s fascinations, it’s difficult to understand what spurred my decision. But I do know that my love of America had a lot to do with it.
Pictures are from the National Geographic website, available for view at:
Four years at a military academy, and 5 1/2 years of active duty military service (including a 15-month tour in Afghanistan) did not decrease my love of country. If anything, my affiliation with the military only makes me more proud to be American.
That is not to say that my American pride has not ebbed and waned over the years. Even on this trip, I’ve hesitated to tell people where I come from, for fear of being shunned or treated differently (not everyone in the world loves America like I do).
My classmate Stephanie, another avid traveler, told me that when she embarked on her first RTW expedition she decided she wanted to keep traveling until she understood what it really meant to be American. Until she could feel that love of country again.
But nineteen countries, and 47 cities later, I no longer have qualms about telling people I meet where I herald from. They might not like America, they might not like me because I’m American, but I’m OK with that.
Because I have freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and the right to petition the government.
Because the sight of the Iwo Jima Memorial still brings me to tears.
Because we are protected by brave soldiers. Some of them do not support the war in Iraq or the war in Afghanistan, or any war for that matter, but they are out there doing their job, anyway. Because they respect the American democratic system, and they are carrying out the actions ordained by it.
Travel made me realize that America does not have all of the world’s answers. We haven’t got the perfect system of government. There is room for improvement in America. But despite it all, I am proud of where I come from.
“No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.”